A Little Sleuthing Leads Nexus 4 Enthusiasts To Estimate About 400K In Sales Of The Device

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Screen Shot 2013-01-02 at 2.41.44 PM

Google and LG’s Nexus 4 has been such a coveted item this past holiday season, that it’s been in and out of stock since its release in mid-November. Because Google doesn’t publicly comment on device sales, it’s been hard to understand exactly how much OEM partner LG produced for the device’s initial launch.

However, a little sleuthing by some Android enthusiasts and Nexus 4 owners suggests that LG produced about 400,000 devices going into the end of last year.

How did they do it? They’ve taken the IMEI numbers of their phones and backtracked the production number of their devices using an LG mobile link that’s usually used for finding new firmware. An IMEI number, or International Mobile Station Equipment Identity number, is usually printed on the battery compartment of the inside of the phone. It can be used to prevent stolen phones from accessing a network.

If you take this link and put your IMEI number at the very end, this LG site will spit back out the IMEI followed by a long string of characters that looks something like this: “LGE960 ACAGBK 212KPHG188745 20121206 GLOBAL/GLOBAL N N”

If you break this string apart, you get:
LGE960 = phone model
A = ?
CA = Country where the device was sold. (Others include ‘US’ for the U.S., ‘HK’ for Hong Kong, ‘AU’ for Australia and so on.)
G = Storage (G = 16GB, 8 = 8GB)
BK = Color
2 = ?
12 = Production Month (November)
K = Production Country (Korea)
PHG = ?
188745 = The line or production number, showing that phone was the 188,745th device made.
2012121206 = The production date in YYYYMMDD format

A number of Nexus 4 owners have been sharing and compiling the production numbers day by day (see below). It suggests that LG made about 70,000 devices in October, 90,000 in November and 210,000 in December. Google declined to comment on these numbers.

Still, they’re interesting for a couple reasons. It appears that Google and LG have been conservative with the Nexus 4 launch. LG has previously said that the Nexus 4 “had proven extremely popular, and as such retailers have been met with huge demand.” Google’s U.K. and Ireland managing director Dan Cobley likewise has said there have been communication problems on both ends with managing supply for the Nexus 4.

Keeping supplies tight have made the Nexus 4 debut a world apart from the launch of the original HTC-manufactured Nexus One back in 2010.

265133 14-th ADEUBK GERMANY
266133 15-th AHKGBK Hong Kong
267133 15-th AHKGBK Hong Kong
268133 15-th ADEUBK GERMANY
269133 15-th ADEUBK GERMANY
270133 15-th ASWSBK SWS Switzerland (looks like around 500 units)
271133 16-th AISRBK Israel
272133 15-th ADEUBK Germany
273133 15-th AHKGBK Hong Kong
274133 15-th AHKGBK Hong Kong
275133 15-th AHKGBK Hong Kong
277133 17-th AHKGBK Hong Kong
278133 17-th AHKGBK Hong Kong
279133 16-th AMYSBK
280123 17-th AMYSBK
289000 18-th UK
300123 19-th ADEGBK
305112 19-th ACA8BK
306000 28-Oct (?) AUSGBK, 211KPPB306000 “csn” is also very different from the “surroundings”
306001 8-Oct AUSGBK 211KPHG306001 esnoutgodate=null >>Never shipped?
306009 4-th Dec AUSGBK 212KPHG306009 esnoutgodate=null
306010 19-th AUS8BK 212KPYR306010 esnoutgodate=null
306020 19-th AUS8BK esnoutgodate=null
314001 19-th AFRGBK
314002 19-th ADEGBK
314050 19-th ADEGBK
314123 19-th ADEGBK
315112 19-th ADE8BK
319123 20-th ADEGBK
320123 20-th ADEGBK
321123 20-th AAUGBK
325112 20-th AUSGBK
330123 20-th AUSGBK
340123 21-th ACAGBK
350123 22-th AUS8BK
360123 26-th AUSGBK
365123 27-th AUS8BK
370123 27-th AUSGBK
374110 28-th AUSGBK

Reference: MobileGames.vn

iPhone 5, Galaxy S III, Kindle Fire And Galaxy Tablets The Big Winners in Mobile Traffic Share Growth This Holiday

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kindle fire

Mobile ad network Chitika measured traffic from tablets and smartphones via impressions on both the period leading up to Christmas and the period immediately following, and found a few devices grew their share significantly, while others didn’t fare so well. The iPhone 5 was the top gainer in smartphones, growing 1.11 percent overall following Christmas day; the Samsung Galaxy S III also grew 1 percent. But there was greater variance among tablets, where the Kindle Fire grew considerably, and iPad share actually dropped off.

Chitika found that on its network, the Kindle Fire gained 3.03 percent of the overall market share, nearly doubling its total share of tablet traffic to 7.51 percent. The Galaxy Tablet, both 7- and 10-inch versions, also gained a fair amount with 1.38 percent growth, and the Google Nexus grew by nearly 1 percent. Not surprisingly, traffic from the BlackBerry Playbook dropped, but only by a very meagre 0.02 percent. What is perhaps surprising is that traffic share from all iPad models actually shrank, and was down 7.14 percent overall according to Chitika’s numbers. Remember that despite share growth slipping, Apple likely sold a large number of devices over the holiday; the number just reflects usage share spread out across all devices in the category as they pertain to one another.

The iPad still dominates overall tablet traffic, with 78.86 percent of all traffic from slates, but it dropped from 86 percent pre-Christmas. Chitika still expects it to climb back above 80 percent, but it does suggest that a lot of gift-givers opted for (likely less expensive) alternatives from Android-based competitors this year.

This gives a little more device-specific context to the numbers put out by Flurry showing growth of iOS and Android device activations on Christmas and in the days following. It’s still likely not an exact representation of how the chips fell in terms of overall holiday sales, but at least it provides a look at which devices where being turned on and actively used in the days following the gift-giving season.

Reference: MobileGames.vn

The Best Health And Fitness Apps And Gadgets For Your New Year’s Needs

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The holidays wreak havoc on our bodies, with their mandatory over-indulgence in food as well as family and reminiscences. As we reflect on the year past — its victories and losses — we also begin looking ahead to the next, and in big ways or small, making plans to keep our momentum going.

For many, this involves taking health more seriously, whether it’s losing a few pounds, training for that first marathon, or just being more active. In turn, there’s been a lot of activity in the health space over the last year, as we’ve seen a number of apps and startups launch — or continue iterating — in the quest to help us make healthier choices, get in shape and conquer the world.

The health space is always in a state of transformation, but its evolution has accelerated of late, and technology is playing an increasingly vital role in this development. Improvements in sensor technology (and a reduction in the cost of production) have led to a boom in the popularity of health monitoring and tracking devices, which itself is becoming a crowded market.

Increased government involvement in health insurance and delivery (via ObamaCare), mobile technology, next-gen networks, Big Data and analytics are all having a disruptive effect on the industry, and startups have moved to take advantage.

For Quantified Self devotees, data-vores and the fitness conscious it’s a great time to be alive. Wearable health-tracing devices and platforms are maturing, as is the technology that makes them tick, and it won’t be long before doctors are prescribing mobile health apps and devices. The FDA’s recent approval of AliveCor’s iPhone-based heart monitor is a great example of how much there is to be excited about at the intersection of technology and health.

And for startups, there’s a lot to be excited about when deciding to build a business in this space, as we saw big developments from health-focused accelerators like Rock Health this year. A number of new accelerators hit the scene or turned into legitimate resources in 2012, like Startup Health, Healthbox, DreamIt, NY Digital Health Accelerator and Blueprint Health. Even Nike got into the game.

Nonetheless, with all the excitement in the space, it can be tough to cut through the noise, keep tabs on all the options and figure out which apps and startups should matter for you. Everyone has their own individual agenda, but collectively we’re all bound to be making a few health-related resolutions in preparation for 2013 and beyond.

Without further ado, the Health Stars:

The Wearable Tech

Jawbone UP

Up is one of the members of the exciting new generation of movement and health-tracking devices. The $129 bracelet suffered from some major problems when it first debuted, but it re-emerged in November with a much-improved look and experience. You can use it to track your activity during the day, your sleep at night, as well as log food intake and mood to give you a better overall picture of your health, happiness and calorie input and output.

The device comes with about a week’s worth of battery life in a single charge, is sleek and relatively unobtrusive, insulated in rubber and is waterproof. It includes a silent alarm that will wake you in the morning at the right time and a buzzer to remind you when it’s time to get up and get moving during the day.

Most of the re-design centers around the internal hardware and keeping it immune to wear and tear. The device doesn’t come with much connection to the desktop, or an external display, so, as John wrote recently, the appeal is mostly in its simplicity and the fact that it doesn’t scream “nerd device” to all who see you wearing it. More in John’s write up here.


Fitbit is another popular wearable activity tracker that, compared to Up, is slightly more favorable in the pricing department at $99. The small, lightweight device clips onto your clothing (and is meant to be worn somewhere on the torso) or fits into an elastic armband when sleeping. It works like a charm, tracking the number of steps one takes each day, the amount of sleep one gets each night (though this is still buggy), is sensitive to movement and offers a look into the number of calories burned each day.

It displays users’ activity in a personal analytics linked to their Fitbit account, which is made easy through a wireless USB dongle that can be paired with its software in a few minutes. Users can keep the dongle in a USB port of sync it with Fitbit’s new Bluetooth radio functionality. As to the data, users can view their levels of activity in graphs, food and calorie intake, and add in other data, like blood pressure mood, etc. Like Up, it’s also got a silent alarm, and at $99, it’s becoming one of the most popular of these devices. [More in Chris' review here.]

Nike+ FuelBand

Nike has been looking to leverage its brand recognition and massive footprint in the sports world to make waves in the fitness-tracking space with its wearable health tracker. The QS bracelet debuted in January 2012, and is now selling for $150 on Nike’s website — and, giving it a leg up over others beyond what it already had from the Nike brand — is now selling in the Apple Store across the U.S., Canada and the U.K.

Reviews of the FuelBand run the gamut, and with the trend seeming to be that, up to this point, it hasn’t been accurate enough to be used in real training and workouts, putting it more in the casual use category as a motivator for workouts and just getting off your butt. It looks great (although not unlike UP), comes with a great mobile app, and tracks whether or not you’re burning calories each day and meeting your basic fitness goals. It’s also started to gain some experimental integrations, like with Path, for example.

Nike also offers similar apps like Nike+ Running and Training Club in its growing arsenal of smartphone fitness motivators.


I say this haltingly, not having spent significant time with it yet, but Basis’ new health-tracking wrist watch is probably the one I’m most excited about. The company quickly ran through its first batch after bringing the product to market in November and has since stopped accepting new orders to concentrate on meeting early demand.

The Basis band is a bit more expensive than the aforementioned gear at $200, and the question, of course, is whether there’s enough going on to justify that higher price. But from the looks of it, there is, especially for the Quantified Self and wristwatch nerds among us. The device comes with an LCD display (a la Pebble) that shows date and time, touch capacitive buttons, a 4-day battery life and Bluetooth support, which will be activated when the company releases its accompanying mobile apps (expected in the near future).

The device is loaded with sensors, which beyond using the accelerometer to measure sleep patterns, include an optical scanner to track blood flow (i.e. heart rate), a perspiration monitor, as well as skin and ambient temperature monitors to measure workout intensity, heat dissipation and so on. On top of that, the company offers a dashboard complete with a host of metrics, which include stuff like calories burned, steps taken, resting heart rate and hours slept and allows users to track their progress and create small, achievable goals to begin establishing healthy habits.

One of the more noteworthy aspects of Basis is that it adjusts to your daily activity (and sleep patterns) automatically, so you don’t have to mess around with different modes and settings. The idea is that it just works in the background, suggesting personalized goals and habits that you can actually meet — when you want it to. There are still more pieces to add, like integrations with other devices, an API, mobile apps (and of course wider availability), but Basis looks to have a lot going for it — at least at this early stage. [More in our review here.]


Lark was originally a sleep-monitoring device, app and coaching service that recently expanded beyond sleep to go after the broader, general wellness market. The TechCrunch Disrupt grad now combines, a nighttime and daytime wristband and iOS app to track basic fitness statistics, food eaten, sleep logged, calories burned, distance traveled, and so on. Lark CEO Julia Hu recently told TechCrunch that Lark has sold “tens of thousands" of devices, and that 73 percent of insomniacs saw an improvement after using Lark Pro for a month. The wristbands are designed by Ammunition — which also designed the Beats by Dre headphones — and through its new platform the startup is trying to move beyond its initial, core user base: Athletes.

The app and wristband combo now offer one-tap diet tracking, which allows users to tap a button to indicate they’re eating, tracking dietary info, stress and productivity data to help users make more informed decisions about their health. The platform offers personalized advice, developed in consultation with its scientific advisors, which include Stanford “neuroeconomists,” psychologists and sleep experts and so on. The “Larklife” product, which includes the two wristbands and mobile apps, will sell for $150. Lark looks great and has a lot to offer, but it does have to contend with the fact that others are offering a lot of this functionality in one device — at competitive prices.

Misfit Wearables’ Shine is another elegant-looking activity tracker that isn’t yet available but looks promising.

Amiigo, which, described in our recent coverage, is a “fitness app and lightweight plastic bracelet (with detachable shoe-clip) that can identify the type of exercise you're doing and tell you how well you're doing it as you're doing it, thanks to a variety of sensors analysing how your body is responding as you run, bike, swim (yes it's waterproof), or whatever your preferred exercise poison.”

No Gadgets Here, Just The Apps


This Android and iOS app is one of the strongest in the category of those that look to turn your smartphone into a personal trainer. RunKeeper is part motivator, part tracker and (long-term) part health graph. The app allows you to track your walks, runs, bike rides, hikes, etc. by using the GPS in your phone, keeping stats on each activity, comparing those stats, setting short-term and long-term goals, offers customizable training plans, and voice coaching. The startup also aims to be a health and fitness data aggregator (or graph) and appeal to Quantified Self enthusiasts by connecting to Bluetooth and leveraging its API to integrates with Fitbit, WeightTraining, Fitocracy, Lose It!, Gympact and GAIN Fitness, among others.

The company just passed its 100th integration, leading in this regard. However, RunKeeper co-founder and CEO Jason Jacobs tells us there’s still a long way to go, as the category heats up and more apps and devices become available on the market.

The startup now has over 14 million users and many, he says, are looking to tie in data from other health apps to their RunKeeper accounts, especially as the company now allows them to earn credits for their workouts and apply them to corporate wellness programs, fitness games, rewards systems and so on. Usage of these integrations, Jacobs tells us, grew 825 percent year-over-year in 2012. Part of the reason Mark Zuckerberg included RunKeeper in a short list of apps that had caught his attention this year.

As to what’s next, Jacobs said that the startup will be looking to more tightly integrate the data from its partners into the core RunKeeper experience in the coming months — and to better integrate RunKeeper data into theirs — and will be announcing a number of partnerships in the next quarter as well.

Find it here.


This one may be better known to European readers, as Runtastic got its start across the pond, but it’s beginning to establish a footprint in the U.S. as well. And overall, it was a good year for the startup, which has looked to carve a name for itself in the space by becoming a full-service health and fitness platform. Traditionally, it’s been focused on tracking and coaching fitness enthusiast through outdoor recreation, allowing users to take advantage of fitness plans with voice coaching, as well as track and analyze their exercise data, monitoring speed, elevation and distance and storing that info in the cloud to measure progress against yourself and others (along with some cool “PRO” features for Android users.)

More recently, it’s expanded into “indoor” fitness as well, with motion-activated apps for activities like push ups and pull ups, and now offers a heart-monitoring app to boot. All in all, a productive 2012 for Runtastic has meant the launch of seven new apps for a total of 14 (including free and PRO/paid apps), over 12 million downloads this year alone (for over 16 million total), along with the addition of 5 million registered users on Runtastic.com, the launch of hardware in Europe (a heart rate monitor with GPS watch, armband and chest strap), integration with MyFitnessPal as a launch partner for the debut of its API, Google Earth integration and the launch of a fitness channel on YouTube. Going forward, users can expect more apps, more integrations, and the launch of its hardware in the U.S. during Q1. [More in our coverage here.]


Lift is a great-looking iPhone app that’s operating behind an ambitious goal: Improving human potential. The Obvious-incubated and now venture-backed startup wants to help you reach your goal, whether that’s getting in shape, living healthier, becoming more productive, or being more kind to animals — or your mother in law.

The app helps you break down your challenging personal goals into micro habits in order to make it easier to gain momentum and, presumably, achieve those goals. For Lift, it’s all about simplicity; while many startups and app developers say that, Lift really means it. Users create and join habits, clicking Lift’s big button if they’ve met their goal that day, and all activity is public, where users can cheerlead for their peers and receive encouragement of their own. The app pushes your accumulated data into good-looking graphs and charts, showing you how consistent you’ve been in meeting your new, positive habits.

Last week, the startup updated its app in the hopes of helping people meet their New Year’s resolutions, adding reminders (the most-requested feature), along with updating the overall user experience. In a crowded space, where companies like Basis are building some of this functionality into their wearable tech experiences, it will be more difficult for apps like Lift to stand out. However, the company recently recruited Matt Matteson, employee numero uno at Path and is backed by the guys behind Twitter, so it’s got some heavy-weight support. And focus on simplicity is a big leg-up in the data-noisy world of Quantified Self apps and devices.


Beeminder is attempting to take an evil-genius approach to motivating you to reach your goals. Namely, if you don’t stay on track towards your stated goal every day, Beeminder will charge you a predetermined amount, starting at $5, that increases each time you fall off track. The idea is that you quickly reach an amount that motivates you. Your rational, forward-thinking self is putting this restriction on your lazy, impetuous self in order to make it do the things you really want to do. Beeminder works for any quantifiable goal, like losing weight, exercising three times a week, or even productivity goals like checking things off your to-do list. It can automatically track your data from other services like Fitbit, Withings, and RunKeeper.

Beeminder is similar to StickK.com, but more data-oriented. Basing your commitment on a graph of your progress also creates flexibility (without defeating the point of a commitment contract). You can adjust your goal at any time, but updates take effect in a week, so if you want to be lazy, you have to plan ahead to be lazy.


Retrofit, which just raised $8 million led by DFJ, is a weight-loss program designed for busy people that uses a little bit of Skype, Fitbit, connected, wireless scales and live mentorship from wellness experts to help you get in shape. Retrofit allows users to set small, achievable weight loss goals — one pound per week is the typical maximum target — and private Skype video sessions with real, live fitness instructors to combat empty promises and increase healthy outcomes.

It incorporates data from your wearable health-tracking devices (like Fitbit) and wireless activity monitors and scales (which it provides in your “welcome package”) and displays that information in a way that makes it easy to consume and customizable. What sets Retrofit apart is the personalized instruction from its wellness experts, who are registered dietitians, behavior coaches, and exercise physiologists and a “maniacal” focus on helping you lose weight. Retrofit comes at a cost, though, with its starter, 10 percent weight loss program (which includes 12 expert sessions) beginning at $259/month for a year-long commitment and scaling up from there.


MapMyFitness is a well-backed conglomeration of fitness-oriented websites and apps, which allows users to track and store their running, cycling, walking and hiking activity and access a considerable database of international routes, fitness calculators, events, listings, nutrition tracking and more. Founded in 2005, MapMyFitness is one of the early movers in the space and has grown into one of the more popular fitness apps in the App Store, passing 9 million registered users and 30 million downloads (across all apps) this summer.

The company has been expanding into international markets of late (along with its offline partnerships) and recently rebuilt its portfolio of websites, updating its routes, courses, personal challenges and integrating with the latest version of Google Maps’ API. This means that users can now get real time info on weather, safer routes, directions, elevations, customer markers and traffic, on top of leaderboards, the ability to check-in at workout locations and compare progress to specific groups, be it friends, running rivals or local clubs. An oldie but a goodie.


Keas is a venture-backed social wellness platform brought to you by Adam Bosworth, a familiar name in the Health 2.0 space and one of the creators of Google Health. Keas allows companies to pick health goals and compete against each other to lose weight and get in shape, incentivized by a reward system which offers both real and virtual prizes.

The idea is to reduce the cost of healthcare plans and increase productivity in the enterprise by giving employees a wellness program that encourages participation and engagement by creating an experience that is fundamentally social and actually fun. Employees join teams of up to six people, competing for cash (or bragging rights) offered by their employers in pursuit of healthier lifestyles. One corporate client (Chilton hospital) reported that participating teams (about 40 percent of 1,300 employees) lost 1,230 pounds in a 12-week challenge. A great option for healthier workplaces.

Gympact or Pact, Inc.

Pack, Inc. is a website and iPhone app that aims to complement all those new health data trackers, devices and training apps with an incentive plan that adds another layer of encouragement to get you off your butt. For Pact, the key to achieving your health and fitness goals revolves around negative motivation. Rather handing out points or badges, Pact offers peer pressure and cold, hard cash as its incentive, allowing users to check in and set goals for, say, how many times they’ll hit the gym in a given week and how much they’re willing to pay if they don’t reach that goal.

If you meet your goal, you earn a cash reward, and if not, the money goes into a community pot and is doled out to those who do hit their milestones. Pact Co-founder Yifan Zhang tells us that, since the startup launched in January of last year, it’s managed to retain 50 percent of its users and has been focused on creating value for its partners. For RunKeeper for example, Pact was able to increase RunKeeper usage by 64 percent across the board and by over 520 percent for its least active users by employing its monetary reward structure.

The startup was on its way to 1 million workouts facilitated in 2012, and is getting ready to release its Android app on January 1st, just in time for those New Year’s resolutions. [Check out our coverage here.]


Along with AliveCor and Azumio, Rock Health grad Cardiio is the maker of a $5 heart rate monitoring app that requires you to touch the iPhone’s camera to capture your pulse — all you have to do is let the app take a picture of your beautiful mug. The app’s sensors attempt to pick up minute differences in the color of your face that indicate changes in heart rate. It also offers long-term tracking to see how your resting heart rate morphs over time, along with comparisons to population averages. Next, the company plans to use this technology to expand into other types of biofeedback. [More in our coverage here.]


Thanks the popularity of its biofeedback apps like Instant Heart Rate, Stress Doctor and Stress Check, this startup has seen over 30 million downloads across its iOS and Android apps. In July, it acquired SkyHealth, the makers of Fitness Buddy, one of the top-ranked paid health apps on the App Store. With the acquisition, Azumio now counts 15 health and fitness apps in its portfolio and is on a mission to create a fitness platform that gives users a complete picture of their health, spanning heart rate, stress, sleep behaviors, blood sugar levels and workout routines. With the recent addition of its Fitness Trainer app, Azumio is looking to become a mobile, adaptable personal trainer and health-tracker that allows you to reach your fitness goals without ever going to the gym. [Check out our coverage here.]


Rock Health grad Skimble has created a motivation and fitness instruction platform with “Workout Trainer” that offers hundreds of workouts, which are guided by a dynamic audio and visuals aimed at giving aspiring health nuts an easy way to exercise, regardless of how much time they have, or what equipment they have close at hand. The app looks great, and if you upgrade to the startup’s premium service, bland voice-overs are replaced by actual coaches and instructional videos — a much more rewarding and useful experience.

Users can create their own workouts, adding it to the startup’s sizable multimedia exercise library, get reminders on your phone, via email, Facebook and Twitter, and share progress with friends. The modular database is easy to navigate, the app looks good, and everything syncs with user accounts on Skimble.com, and the subscription plan is affordable at $25/year.

Fitocracy is a social network that aims to gamify fitness for those RPG lovers out there by awarding you with points, the ability to level-up and win badges in an attempt to encourage you to engage more consistently with your exercise routines and trips to the gym. The invite-only, free web app has you set up a profile, add a pic, your current weight (which you can keep private), and then introduces you to a status feed that shows updates and level-ups from other users, group categories where you can learn about and dig into niche fitness info, Q&As and data, forum-style. The app also includes access to public and group leaderboards, RunKeeper integration, activity trackers, which let you add sets and reps in particular categories, earn points for completing those activities and receiving real time notifications as you progress. The app currently has around 600,000 users. [Check out our coverage here.]

Endomondo is a veteran fitness tracking app, launching in 2008, that recently passed 10 million registered users (with 3 million+ coming in 2012 alone), putting it in the ballpark of MapMyFitness, Azumio, RunKeeper and Runtastic. The app, which is especially popular in Europe, is, as Chris wrote recently, “part personal trainer and part fitness-focused Facebook,” which runs across platforms and lets users track workouts, share with its community of exercise enthusiasts, with a focus on the social and collaborative side of fitness. [More in TC coverage here.]

The Honorables

GAIN Fitness offers personal trainers, digital-style in an app that lets these coaches help you create interactive, personalized work out routines that help you through easy-to-reach fitness goals. Workouts and plans are matched to your personal fitness level, goals and available time — instantly and from the comfort of your mobile device. [See Colleen's GAIN test drive here.]

Zombies, Run is an awesome running game that immerses you in an action-packed story (mixed with your own music) that you play while jogging in the park or running on a treadmill. Basically, zombies chase you as you run, and the faster you move and better you perform, the longer you remain free from craving brains — and that is what’s important.

JEFIT is an app that makes training routines and workout regimens that were initially only available to bodybuilders open and free to the average, non-bodybuilder, like you and me. The app lets you choose from a long list of exercises, comes with animations and how-to tips that are searchable by muscle group and available equipment. The app makes it a cinch to track your routines, rest and to sync your data with your web-based account.

Pocket Yoga is by far the best app for developing yoga skills at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home. The app includes voice instruction and visual guides, illustrated images of different poses and posture, as well as a dictionary of postures and positions that describes the benefit of each so that you know why you’re humiliating yourself with something called “the downward dog.”

Lose It! is another app that helps you shed those extra pounds by allowing you to track your food consumption and compare to previous meals, monitor nutrient-intake (protein, fat, carbs, etc.), log packaged foods through the app’s barcode scanner, and access a sizable database of both foods and activities.

MyFitnessPal offers aspiring weight-shedders a food diary, diet profile and huge database of food items to track calorie intake, along with discussion forums to ask questions of those who’ve already walked similar paths.

Weight Watchers is another oldie-but-goodie that helps you track food intake, calories logged, associate meals and particular foods to a point system that helps you gamify your diet. Weight Watchers was one of the first to do so, and it’s adapted nicely to mobile, where it now allows you to scan barcodes to see the “point value” of products while you’re at the grocery store.

Everest is a cool app for doing everything from setting goals and dreams, and getting in shape to learning Italian.

DietBet is similar in concept to Pact, Inc, offering a social dieting platform that asks users to make a financial commitment (i.e. put up cash) to encourage themselves and their friends to hit their weight loss targets. Users create teams that compete against each other, with the first person to lose four percent of their starting weight getting the pot (or total money pledged). DietBet verifies weight loss through photos and algorithmic auditing.

HealthRally is another “crowdmotivator” platform that leverages peer pressure and real, live rewards to help you get healthy. Users can enlist friends and family to rally behind them as supporters, with your cheerleading squad pitching in to pay for a new iPad or some other sweet reward to keep you on track. [Check out our coverage here.]

Beyond Fitness: Awesome HealthTech To Watch

Sherpaa, Practice Fusion, dr chrono, Simplee, Doximity, MotherKnows, LumoBack, Beyond Lucid Technologies, Aidin, CarePlanners, Eligible, NatureBox, Omada Health, HealthTap, CareZone and QuantiaMD

Reference: MobileGames.vn

After Teasing Its Touch-Friendly Future, Canonical Officially Reveals The Ubuntu Phone OS

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Ubuntu isn't exactly a stranger to the mobile space — it started showing off its Ubuntu for Android project in early 2012, but it wasn’t about to stop there. Not long after teasing the prospect of a touch-friendly future for its peculiarly-named OS, Canonical has officially pulled back the curtains on its Ubuntu phone OS and it looks, well, great.

That beauty comes from the fact that it doesn’t really look like any other mobile UI out there right now — it eschews the traditional app grid concept that pervades iOS and stock Android and instead relies on horizontal swipes to view oft-used applications and switch between currently running ones. In a way, it’s approach is more reminiscent of Windows Phone 8 and Windows RT than either of the two leading mobile OSes, though whether those UI decisions catch on is another story entirely. Still, the end result is an interface that feels seems more spacious and expansive than its potential rivals, a tricky proposition when hardware designers struggle to balance device screen size and portability.

Plenty of sweat has been poured into the crafting of Ubuntu's search functionality as well, and it's mildly reminiscent of Palm/HP's webOS. A single search query will yield results from multiple sources, and Ubuntu is apparently clever enough to determine which of the results are most likely be what you're looking for. Throw in support for robust voice commands and the ability to play nice with HTML5 apps as well as native ones and you’ve got yourself one intriguing little product.

Now, a new mobile OS is swell and all, but it's nigh useless without some proper hardware to go with it. Unfortunately, that’s where the situation gets a little stickier — Ubuntu Mobile is designed to play nice with hardware of all stripes (it supports x86 processors in addition to more common ARM chips, and doesn't lean on a Java Virtual Machine), but there hasn’t been any word yet on device partnerships. Instead, Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth has pointed out that first Ubuntu-powered phones could see the light of day towards the end of this year or in early 2014.

Of course, Ubuntu's latest mobile foray raises some weighty questions, not least of which is “who would buy an Ubuntu phone?” If Canonical CEO Jane Silber is to be believed, Ubuntu's appeal isn't just limited to Linux enthusiasts and enterprises. Instead, We also see an opportunity in basic smartphones that are used for the phone, SMS, web and email, where Ubuntu outperforms thanks to its native core apps and stylish presentation.” The ability for OEMs and carriers to easily modify and rebrand Ubuntu on mobile devices certainly doesn't hurt — Firefox OS has taken a similar route with carrier partners like Telefonica.

What’s really got me scratching my head is how Ubuntu will stack up against its rivals (and there are plenty of them). I don't need to tell you that Apple and Google are running the smartphone show with their respective mobile operating systems and the list of players extends much further than you may expect. Windows Phone 8 and BlackBerry 10 have probably raised the most eyebrows lately, but the teams behind Tizen, Firefox OS, and Sailfish are gunning to make their mark on the mobile space all the same.

When we asked Shuttleworth about the motivation for doing this, rather than throwing their weight behind existing efforts like Android or Tizen. "Our vision is deeper and broader than I've seen from other ecosystems," he said. "We believe that one platform can stretch across multiple environments": the developer desktop to the cloud server to the end user's so-called "superphone."

Shuttleworth was honest that the smartphone OS market is already a crowded space, but feels confident that the Ubuntu story will present a winning proposition. Canonical can't compete with the millions of dollars spent by Microsoft and RIM, but can compete, according to Shuttleworth, on a classy interface across all segments of phones. Here’s hoping it works out — I can’t help but feel that the Ubuntu approach is too interesting for people to ignore completely.

Reference: MobileGames.vn

GameStick Launches OUYA Competitor On Kickstarter, Aims To Be The First Pocketable Android Home Gaming Console

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OUYA, the Android-based gaming console that made waves when it first launched on Kickstarter last year, met its first shipping target at the end of December when it sent out development consoles to early backers. Now in the new year it faces a direct competitor, one that is also seeking financial backing from the crowdfunding site, in the form of GameStick.

GameStick will be Android-powered like the OUYA, and even features a similar interface, judging by preliminary shots shown off in the project video. Like OUYA it will also be open, and the company is already in the process of working with developers to bring titles to the console, which it may have an advantage doing, given that it has worked with developers to port titles to Smart TVs for the past three years. And the GameStick’s design is the part that really sets it apart from the OUYA – it’s a tiny stick the size of a flash drive with an HDMI connector, that ships with a Bluetooth controller that it actually fits inside of when you want to pack it for travel.

The GameStick packs an Amlogic 8726-MX processor (which is a dual-core Cortex A9 chip at 1.5GHz, along with a dual-core Mali 400 GPU at 400MHz), has 1GB of memory and 8GB of flash storage, uses Bluetooth 4.0 and 802.11b/g/n for connectivity and runs Android Jelly Bean. It can connect to gamepads, mice and keyboards, and supports up to four controllers connected at once. The processor choice, while underpowered compared to the OUYA’s quad-core Tegra 3, which was designed by Nvidia specifically to work well with games, is said to have been chosen because of the unique power and heat requirements of the GameStick’s extremely portable form factor. GameStick team lead Jasper Smith said in reply to a Kickstarter commenter that it should be more than enough to handle today’s top Android games.

GameStick hopes to ship its device by April 2013, with prototypes going out to early backers by March. If you’re keeping track, that would put it just one month behind OUYA in terms of making it to market, should both projects stick to their anticipated timelines. The GameStick is also priced at $79, meaning it also hopes to undercut the competition on price.

Of course, as with any Kickstarter project, there’s no guarantee we’ll see either of these make it to market, but obviously companies are seeing a demand here for low-cost alternatives to the big legacy players in home gaming. I doubt the smaller upstarts will remain alone in this market for long.

Reference: MobileGames.vn

The Best Health And Fitness Apps For Your New Year’s Needs

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The holidays wreak havoc on our bodies, with their mandatory over-indulgence in food as well as family and reminiscences. As we reflect on the year past — its victories and losses — we also begin looking ahead to the next, and in big ways or small, making plans to keep our momentum going.

For many, this involves taking health more seriously, whether it’s losing a few pounds, training for that first marathon, or just being more active. In turn, there’s been a lot of activity in the health space over the last year, as we’ve seen a number of apps and startups launch — or continue iterating — in the quest to help us make healthier choices, get in shape and conquer the world.

The health space is always in a state of transformation, but its evolution has accelerated of late, and technology is playing an increasingly vital role in this development. Improvements in sensor technology (and a reduction in the cost of production) have led to a boom in the popularity of health monitoring and tracking devices, which itself is becoming a crowded market.

Increased government involvement in health insurance and delivery (via ObamaCare), mobile technology, next-gen networks, Big Data and analytics are all having a disruptive effect on the industry, and startups have moved to take advantage.

For Quantified Self devotees, data-vores and the fitness conscious it’s a great time to be alive. Wearable health-tracing devices and platforms are maturing, as is the technology that makes them tick, and it won’t be long before doctors are prescribing mobile health apps and devices. The FDA’s recent approval of AliveCor’s iPhone-based heart monitor is a great example of how much there is to be excited about at the intersection of technology and health.

And for startups, there’s a lot to be excited about when deciding to build a business in this space, as we saw big developments from health-focused accelerators like Rock Health this year. A number of new accelerators hit the scene or turned into legitimate resources in 2012, like Startup Health, Healthbox, DreamIt, NY Digital Health Accelerator and Blueprint Health. Even Nike got into the game.

Nonetheless, with all the excitement in the space, it can be tough to cut through the noise, keep tabs on all the options and figure out which apps and startups should matter for you. Everyone has their own individual agenda, but collectively we’re all bound to be making a few health-related resolutions in preparation for 2013 and beyond.

Without further ado, the Health Stars:

The Wearable Tech

Jawbone UP

Up is one of the members of the exciting new generation of movement and health-tracking devices. The $129 bracelet suffered from some major problems when it first debuted, but it re-emerged in November with a much-improved look and experience. You can use it to track your activity during the day, your sleep at night, as well as log food intake and mood to give you a better overall picture of your health, happiness and calorie input and output.

The device comes with about a week’s worth of battery life in a single charge, is sleek and relatively unobtrusive, insulated in rubber and is waterproof. It includes a silent alarm that will wake you in the morning at the right time and a buzzer to remind you when it’s time to get up and get moving during the day.

Most of the re-design centers around the internal hardware and keeping it immune to wear and tear. The device doesn’t come with much connection to the desktop, or an external display, so, as John wrote recently, the appeal is mostly in its simplicity and the fact that it doesn’t scream “nerd device” to all who see you wearing it. More in John’s write up here.


Fitbit is another popular wearable activity tracker that, compared to Up, is slightly more favorable in the pricing department at $99. The small, lightweight device clips onto your clothing (and is meant to be worn somewhere on the torso) or fits into an elastic armband when sleeping. It works like a charm, tracking the number of steps one takes each day, the amount of sleep one gets each night (though this is still buggy), is sensitive to movement and offers a look into the number of calories burned each day.

It displays users’ activity in a personal analytics linked to their Fitbit account, which is made easy through a wireless USB dongle that can be paired with its software in a few minutes. Users can keep the dongle in a USB port of sync it with Fitbit’s new Bluetooth radio functionality. As to the data, users can view their levels of activity in graphs, food and calorie intake, and add in other data, like blood pressure mood, etc. Like Up, it’s also got a silent alarm, and at $99, it’s becoming one of the most popular of these devices. [More in Chris' review here.]

Nike+ FuelBand

Nike has been looking to leverage its brand recognition and massive footprint in the sports world to make waves in the fitness-tracking space with its wearable health tracker. The QS bracelet debuted in January 2012, and is now selling for $150 on Nike’s website — and, giving it a leg up over others beyond what it already had from the Nike brand — is now selling in the Apple Store across the U.S., Canada and the U.K.

Reviews of the FuelBand run the gamut, and with the trend seeming to be that, up to this point, it hasn’t been accurate enough to be used in real training and workouts, putting it more in the casual use category as a motivator for workouts and just getting off your butt. It looks great (although not unlike UP), comes with a great mobile app, and tracks whether or not you’re burning calories each day and meeting your basic fitness goals. It’s also started to gain some experimental integrations, like with Path, for example.

Nike also offers similar apps like Nike+ Running and Training Club in its growing arsenal of smartphone fitness motivators.


I say this haltingly, not having spent significant time with it yet, but Basis’ new health-tracking wrist watch is probably the one I’m most excited about. The company quickly ran through its first batch after bringing the product to market in November and has since stopped accepting new orders to concentrate on meeting early demand.

The Basis band is a bit more expensive than the aforementioned gear at $200, and the question, of course, is whether there’s enough going on to justify that higher price. But from the looks of it, there is, especially for the Quantified Self and wristwatch nerds among us. The device comes with an LCD display (a la Pebble) that shows date and time, touch capacitive buttons, a 4-day battery life and Bluetooth support, which will be activated when the company releases its accompanying mobile apps (expected in the near future).

The device is loaded with sensors, which beyond using the accelerometer to measure sleep patterns, include an optical scanner to track blood flow (i.e. heart rate), a perspiration monitor, as well as skin and ambient temperature monitors to measure workout intensity, heat dissipation and so on. On top of that, the company offers a dashboard complete with a host of metrics, which include stuff like calories burned, steps taken, resting heart rate and hours slept and allows users to track their progress and create small, achievable goals to begin establishing healthy habits.

One of the more noteworthy aspects of Basis is that it adjusts to your daily activity (and sleep patterns) automatically, so you don’t have to mess around with different modes and settings. The idea is that it just works in the background, suggesting personalized goals and habits that you can actually meet — when you want it to. There are still more pieces to add, like integrations with other devices, an API, mobile apps (and of course wider availability), but Basis looks to have a lot going for it — at least at this early stage. [More in our review here.]


Lark was originally a sleep-monitoring device, app and coaching service that recently expanded beyond sleep to go after the broader, general wellness market. The TechCrunch Disrupt grad now combines, a nighttime and daytime wristband and iOS app to track basic fitness statistics, food eaten, sleep logged, calories burned, distance traveled, and so on. Lark CEO Julia Hu recently told TechCrunch that Lark has sold “tens of thousands" of devices, and that 73 percent of insomniacs saw an improvement after using Lark Pro for a month. The wristbands are designed by Ammunition — which also designed the Beats by Dre headphones — and through its new platform the startup is trying to move beyond its initial, core user base: Athletes.

The app and wristband combo now offer one-tap diet tracking, which allows users to tap a button to indicate they’re eating, tracking dietary info, stress and productivity data to help users make more informed decisions about their health. The platform offers personalized advice, developed in consultation with its scientific advisors, which include Stanford “neuroeconomists,” psychologists and sleep experts and so on. The “Larklife” product, which includes the two wristbands and mobile apps, will sell for $150. Lark looks great and has a lot to offer, but it does have to contend with the fact that others are offering a lot of this functionality in one device — at competitive prices.

Misfit Wearables’ Shine is another elegant-looking activity tracker that isn’t yet available but looks promising.

Amiigo, which, described in our recent coverage, is a “fitness app and lightweight plastic bracelet (with detachable shoe-clip) that can identify the type of exercise you're doing and tell you how well you're doing it as you're doing it, thanks to a variety of sensors analysing how your body is responding as you run, bike, swim (yes it's waterproof), or whatever your preferred exercise poison.”

No Gadgets Here, Just The Apps


This Android and iOS app is one of the strongest in the category of those that look to turn your smartphone into a personal trainer. RunKeeper is part motivator, part tracker and (long-term) part health graph. The app allows you to track your walks, runs, bike rides, hikes, etc. by using the GPS in your phone, keeping stats on each activity, comparing those stats, setting short-term and long-term goals, offers customizable training plans, and voice coaching. The startup also aims to be a health and fitness data aggregator (or graph) and appeal to Quantified Self enthusiasts by connecting to Bluetooth and leveraging its API to integrates with Fitbit, WeightTraining, Fitocracy, Lose It!, Gympact and GAIN Fitness, among others.

The company just passed its 100th integration, leading in this regard. However, RunKeeper co-founder and CEO Jason Jacobs tells us there’s still a long way to go, as the category heats up and more apps and devices become available on the market.

The startup now has over 14 million users and many, he says, are looking to tie in data from other health apps to their RunKeeper accounts, especially as the company now allows them to earn credits for their workouts and apply them to corporate wellness programs, fitness games, rewards systems and so on. Usage of these integrations, Jacobs tells us, grew 825 percent year-over-year in 2012. Part of the reason Mark Zuckerberg included RunKeeper in a short list of apps that had caught his attention this year.

As to what’s next, Jacobs said that the startup will be looking to more tightly integrate the data from its partners into the core RunKeeper experience in the coming months — and to better integrate RunKeeper data into theirs — and will be announcing a number of partnerships in the next quarter as well.

Find it here.


This one may be better known to European readers, as Runtastic got its start across the pond, but it’s beginning to establish a footprint in the U.S. as well. And overall, it was a good year for the startup, which has looked to carve a name for itself in the space by becoming a full-service health and fitness platform. Traditionally, it’s been focused on tracking and coaching fitness enthusiast through outdoor recreation, allowing users to take advantage of fitness plans with voice coaching, as well as track and analyze their exercise data, monitoring speed, elevation and distance and storing that info in the cloud to measure progress against yourself and others (along with some cool “PRO” features for Android users.)

More recently, it’s expanded into “indoor” fitness as well, with motion-activated apps for activities like push ups and pull ups, and now offers a heart-monitoring app to boot. All in all, a productive 2012 for Runtastic has meant the launch of seven new apps for a total of 14 (including free and PRO/paid apps), over 12 million downloads this year alone (for over 16 million total), along with the addition of 5 million registered users on Runtastic.com, the launch of hardware in Europe (a heart rate monitor with GPS watch, armband and chest strap), integration with MyFitnessPal as a launch partner for the debut of its API, Google Earth integration and the launch of a fitness channel on YouTube. Going forward, users can expect more apps, more integrations, and the launch of its hardware in the U.S. during Q1. [More in our coverage here.]


Lift is a great-looking iPhone app that’s operating behind an ambitious goal: Improving human potential. The Obvious-incubated and now venture-backed startup wants to help you reach your goal, whether that’s getting in shape, living healthier, becoming more productive, or being more kind to animals — or your mother in law.

The app helps you break down your challenging personal goals into micro habits in order to make it easier to gain momentum and, presumably, achieve those goals. For Lift, it’s all about simplicity; while many startups and app developers say that, Lift really means it. Users create and join habits, clicking Lift’s big button if they’ve met their goal that day, and all activity is public, where users can cheerlead for their peers and receive encouragement of their own. The app pushes your accumulated data into good-looking graphs and charts, showing you how consistent you’ve been in meeting your new, positive habits.

Last week, the startup updated its app in the hopes of helping people meet their New Year’s resolutions, adding reminders (the most-requested feature), along with updating the overall user experience. In a crowded space, where companies like Basis are building some of this functionality into their wearable tech experiences, it will be more difficult for apps like Lift to stand out. However, the company recently recruited Matt Matteson, employee numero uno at Path and is backed by the guys behind Twitter, so it’s got some heavy-weight support. And focus on simplicity is a big leg-up in the data-noisy world of Quantified Self apps and devices.


Beeminder is attempting to take an evil-genius approach to motivating you to reach your goals. Namely, if you don’t stay on track towards your stated goal every day, Beeminder will charge you a predetermined amount, starting at $5, that increases each time you fall off track. The idea is that you quickly reach an amount that motivates you. Your rational, forward-thinking self is putting this restriction on your lazy, impetuous self in order to make it do the things you really want to do. Beeminder works for any quantifiable goal, like losing weight, exercising three times a week, or even productivity goals like checking things off your to-do list. It can automatically track your data from other services like Fitbit, Withings, and RunKeeper.

Beeminder is similar to StickK.com, but more data-oriented. Basing your commitment on a graph of your progress also creates flexibility (without defeating the point of a commitment contract). You can adjust your goal at any time, but updates take effect in a week, so if you want to be lazy, you have to plan ahead to be lazy.


Retrofit, which just raised $8 million led by DFJ, is a weight-loss program designed for busy people that uses a little bit of Skype, Fitbit, connected, wireless scales and live mentorship from wellness experts to help you get in shape. Retrofit allows users to set small, achievable weight loss goals — one pound per week is the typical maximum target — and private Skype video sessions with real, live fitness instructors to combat empty promises and increase healthy outcomes.

It incorporates data from your wearable health-tracking devices (like Fitbit) and wireless activity monitors and scales (which it provides in your “welcome package”) and displays that information in a way that makes it easy to consume and customizable. What sets Retrofit apart is the personalized instruction from its wellness experts, who are registered dietitians, behavior coaches, and exercise physiologists and a “maniacal” focus on helping you lose weight. Retrofit comes at a cost, though, with its starter, 10 percent weight loss program (which includes 12 expert sessions) beginning at $259/month for a year-long commitment and scaling up from there.


MapMyFitness is a well-backed conglomeration of fitness-oriented websites and apps, which allows users to track and store their running, cycling, walking and hiking activity and access a considerable database of international routes, fitness calculators, events, listings, nutrition tracking and more. Founded in 2005, MapMyFitness is one of the early movers in the space and has grown into one of the more popular fitness apps in the App Store, passing 9 million registered users and 30 million downloads (across all apps) this summer.

The company has been expanding into international markets of late (along with its offline partnerships) and recently rebuilt its portfolio of websites, updating its routes, courses, personal challenges and integrating with the latest version of Google Maps’ API. This means that users can now get real time info on weather, safer routes, directions, elevations, customer markers and traffic, on top of leaderboards, the ability to check-in at workout locations and compare progress to specific groups, be it friends, running rivals or local clubs. An oldie but a goodie.


Keas is a venture-backed social wellness platform brought to you by Adam Bosworth, a familiar name in the Health 2.0 space and one of the creators of Google Health. Keas allows companies to pick health goals and compete against each other to lose weight and get in shape, incentivized by a reward system which offers both real and virtual prizes.

The idea is to reduce the cost of healthcare plans and increase productivity in the enterprise by giving employees a wellness program that encourages participation and engagement by creating an experience that is fundamentally social and actually fun. Employees join teams of up to six people, competing for cash (or bragging rights) offered by their employers in pursuit of healthier lifestyles. One corporate client (Chilton hospital) reported that participating teams (about 40 percent of 1,300 employees) lost 1,230 pounds in a 12-week challenge. A great option for healthier workplaces.

Gympact or Pact, Inc.

Pack, Inc. is a website and iPhone app that aims to complement all those new health data trackers, devices and training apps with an incentive plan that adds another layer of encouragement to get you off your butt. For Pact, the key to achieving your health and fitness goals revolves around negative motivation. Rather handing out points or badges, Pact offers peer pressure and cold, hard cash as its incentive, allowing users to check in and set goals for, say, how many times they’ll hit the gym in a given week and how much they’re willing to pay if they don’t reach that goal.

If you meet your goal, you earn a cash reward, and if not, the money goes into a community pot and is doled out to those who do hit their milestones. Pact Co-founder Yifan Zhang tells us that, since the startup launched in January of last year, it’s managed to retain 50 percent of its users and has been focused on creating value for its partners. For RunKeeper for example, Pact was able to increase RunKeeper usage by 64 percent across the board and by over 520 percent for its least active users by employing its monetary reward structure.

The startup was on its way to 1 million workouts facilitated in 2012, and is getting ready to release its Android app on January 1st, just in time for those New Year’s resolutions. [Check out our coverage here.]


Along with AliveCor and Azumio, Rock Health grad Cardiio is the maker of a $5 heart rate monitoring app that requires you to touch the iPhone’s camera to capture your pulse — all you have to do is let the app take a picture of your beautiful mug. The app’s sensors attempt to pick up minute differences in the color of your face that indicate changes in heart rate. It also offers long-term tracking to see how your resting heart rate morphs over time, along with comparisons to population averages. Next, the company plans to use this technology to expand into other types of biofeedback. [More in our coverage here.]


Thanks the popularity of its biofeedback apps like Instant Heart Rate, Stress Doctor and Stress Check, this startup has seen over 30 million downloads across its iOS and Android apps. In July, it acquired SkyHealth, the makers of Fitness Buddy, one of the top-ranked paid health apps on the App Store. With the acquisition, Azumio now counts 15 health and fitness apps in its portfolio and is on a mission to create a fitness platform that gives users a complete picture of their health, spanning heart rate, stress, sleep behaviors, blood sugar levels and workout routines. With the recent addition of its Fitness Trainer app, Azumio is looking to become a mobile, adaptable personal trainer and health-tracker that allows you to reach your fitness goals without ever going to the gym. [Check out our coverage here.]


Rock Health grad Skimble has created a motivation and fitness instruction platform with “Workout Trainer” that offers hundreds of workouts, which are guided by a dynamic audio and visuals aimed at giving aspiring health nuts an easy way to exercise, regardless of how much time they have, or what equipment they have close at hand. The app looks great, and if you upgrade to the startup’s premium service, bland voice-overs are replaced by actual coaches and instructional videos — a much more rewarding and useful experience.

Users can create their own workouts, adding it to the startup’s sizable multimedia exercise library, get reminders on your phone, via email, Facebook and Twitter, and share progress with friends. The modular database is easy to navigate, the app looks good, and everything syncs with user accounts on Skimble.com, and the subscription plan is affordable at $25/year.

Fitocracy is a social network that aims to gamify fitness for those RPG lovers out there by awarding you with points, the ability to level-up and win badges in an attempt to encourage you to engage more consistently with your exercise routines and trips to the gym. The invite-only, free web app has you set up a profile, add a pic, your current weight (which you can keep private), and then introduces you to a status feed that shows updates and level-ups from other users, group categories where you can learn about and dig into niche fitness info, Q&As and data, forum-style. The app also includes access to public and group leaderboards, RunKeeper integration, activity trackers, which let you add sets and reps in particular categories, earn points for completing those activities and receiving real time notifications as you progress. The app currently has around 600,000 users. [Check out our coverage here.]

Endomondo is a veteran fitness tracking app, launching in 2008, that recently passed 10 million registered users (with 3 million+ coming in 2012 alone), putting it in the ballpark of MapMyFitness, Azumio, RunKeeper and Runtastic. The app, which is especially popular in Europe, is, as Chris wrote recently, “part personal trainer and part fitness-focused Facebook,” which runs across platforms and lets users track workouts, share with its community of exercise enthusiasts, with a focus on the social and collaborative side of fitness. [More in TC coverage here.]

The Honorables

GAIN Fitness offers personal trainers, digital-style in an app that lets these coaches help you create interactive, personalized work out routines that help you through easy-to-reach fitness goals. Workouts and plans are matched to your personal fitness level, goals and available time — instantly and from the comfort of your mobile device. [See Colleen's GAIN test drive here.]

Zombies, Run is an awesome running game that immerses you in an action-packed story (mixed with your own music) that you play while jogging in the park or running on a treadmill. Basically, zombies chase you as you run, and the faster you move and better you perform, the longer you remain free from craving brains — and that is what’s important.

JEFIT is an app that makes training routines and workout regimens that were initially only available to bodybuilders open and free to the average, non-bodybuilder, like you and me. The app lets you choose from a long list of exercises, comes with animations and how-to tips that are searchable by muscle group and available equipment. The app makes it a cinch to track your routines, rest and to sync your data with your web-based account.

Pocket Yoga is by far the best app for developing yoga skills at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home. The app includes voice instruction and visual guides, illustrated images of different poses and posture, as well as a dictionary of postures and positions that describes the benefit of each so that you know why you’re humiliating yourself with something called “the downward dog.”

Lose It! is another app that helps you shed those extra pounds by allowing you to track your food consumption and compare to previous meals, monitor nutrient-intake (protein, fat, carbs, etc.), log packaged foods through the app’s barcode scanner, and access a sizable database of both foods and activities.

MyFitnessPal offers aspiring weight-shedders a food diary, diet profile and huge database of food items to track calorie intake, along with discussion forums to ask questions of those who’ve already walked similar paths.

Weight Watchers is another oldie-but-goodie that helps you track food intake, calories logged, associate meals and particular foods to a point system that helps you gamify your diet. Weight Watchers was one of the first to do so, and it’s adapted nicely to mobile, where it now allows you to scan barcodes to see the “point value” of products while you’re at the grocery store.

Everest is a cool app for doing everything from setting goals and dreams, and getting in shape to learning Italian.

DietBet is similar in concept to Pact, Inc, offering a social dieting platform that asks users to make a financial commitment (i.e. put up cash) to encourage themselves and their friends to hit their weight loss targets. Users create teams that compete against each other, with the first person to lose four percent of their starting weight getting the pot (or total money pledged). DietBet verifies weight loss through photos and algorithmic auditing.

HealthRally is another “crowdmotivator” platform that leverages peer pressure and real, live rewards to help you get healthy. Users can enlist friends and family to rally behind them as supporters, with your cheerleading squad pitching in to pay for a new iPad or some other sweet reward to keep you on track. [Check out our coverage here.]

Beyond Fitness: Awesome HealthTech To Watch

Sherpaa, Practice Fusion, dr chrono, Simplee, Doximity, MotherKnows, LumoBack, Beyond Lucid Technologies, Aidin, CarePlanners, Eligible, NatureBox, Omada Health, HealthTap, CareZone and QuantiaMD

Reference: MobileGames.vn

Holiday Week 2012 Sees New iOS And Android Device Activations Rise To 50M Total, A 150% Increase

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App analytics platform Flurry has released its annual look at how many new mobile devices came online during the holiday season, and the results show a dramatic change from the situation a year ago. Over 50 million iOS and Android devices were activated during the period between December 25 to December 31, versus just over 20 million devices last year. Users of those and existing devices downloaded 1.76 million apps, a 47 percent increase over the 1.2 billion app downloads during the 2011 holiday week.

Flurry previously reported that 17.4 million iOS and Android devices were activated on Christmas day alone, an increase which likewise shattered previous records. The analytics firm also looked at the breakdown by country of downloads over the week, and found that as per usual, the U.S. accounted for the vast majority of downloads during the holiday period. China and the U.K. followed up in second and third place, and increases versus baseline download rates were more significant in countries including Canada, Germany and France where Christmas is more commonly celebrated than in some other high-performing nations like China and South Korea.


Reference: MobileGames.vn

Apple May Have Tapped Taiwan’s TSMC For A6X Processor Production

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Apple is looking to shift production of its mobile device processors to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company sooner rather than later, according to Taiwan-based newspaper The Commercial Times (via AppAdvice). A new report from the publication claims that Apple will have TSMC, the world’s largest chip foundry, begin production of the A6X (found in the 4th generation iPad) as early as the first quarter of 2013.

While The Commercial Times isn’t always accurate as a source of rumors, a potential shift of processor manufacturing from Apple’s current partner in Samsung to TSMC has reportedly been in the cards for some time now. A report from August 2011 saw Apple kick-off trial production with the Taiwan-based processor foundry, and there were rumblings that TSMC would get a much larger share of Apple’s processor business back in November. Today’s report also agrees with one from December that suggested Apple’s shift to using TSMC’s 28nm process in its chip production (vs. Samsung’s 32nm method) would happen earlier than expected, though at the time the Taipei Times reported that the second quarter of 2013 was a likely start date for the shift.

Other evidence that suggests Apple could be working with TSMC to start building A6X processors sooner rather than later include the construction of a massive new chip factory in the U.S., which was revealed by The Oregonian around mid-December. Apple’s A-series processors are currently built by Samsung in Texas, so replacing that supply source with another U.S.-based production facility makes sense. Apple has also been making other moves that indicate it’s reducing its dependence on Samsung as a chip supplier, including poaching a top Samsung chip designer, and reducing the Korean company’s role in the chip design process.

Reference: MobileGames.vn

Apple May Have Tapped Taiwan’s TSMC For A6X Processor Production

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Apple is looking to shift production of its mobile device processors to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company sooner rather than later, according to Taiwan-based newspaper The Commercial Times (via AppAdvice). A new report from the publication claims that Apple will have TSMC, the world’s largest chip foundry, begin production of the A6X (found in the 4th generation iPad) as early as the first quarter of 2013.

While The Commercial Times isn’t always accurate as a source of rumors, a potential shift of processor manufacturing from Apple’s current partner in Samsung to TSMC has reportedly been in the cards for some time now. A report from August 2011 saw Apple kick-off trial production with the Taiwan-based processor foundry, and there were rumblings that TSMC would get a much larger share of Apple’s processor business back in November. Today’s report also agrees with one from December that suggested Apple’s shift to using TSMC’s 28nm process in its chip production (vs. Samsung’s 32nm method) would happen earlier than expected, though at the time the Taipei Times reported that the second quarter of 2013 was a likely start date for the shift.

Other evidence that suggests Apple could be working with TSMC to start building A6X processors sooner rather than later include the construction of a massive new chip factory in the U.S., which was revealed by The Oregonian around mid-December. Apple’s A-series processors are currently built by Samsung in Texas, so replacing that supply source with another U.S.-based production facility makes sense. Apple has also been making other moves that indicate it’s reducing its dependence on Samsung as a chip supplier, including poaching a top Samsung chip designer, and reducing the Korean company’s role in the chip design process.

Reference: MobileGames.vn